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Arkansas Tailwater - Valco Ponds Parking

Updated: Jan 5, 2020

December 10, 2019

Flow: 107 CFS

Water Temp: 40 @ 10:30a

Water Clarity: Generally about 2'. Gin clear in the slower water.

Hatches: Tricos at 10:30a & BWOs at ~12N then throughout the rest of the day.


Photo courtesy of Brian Kenney.

I started out in the hole just down stream of the Valco Ponds Parking lot (Valco Ponds Hole) using a nymph rig - #24 Mercury Miracle Midge, #24 Black Beauty, #22 Red Rojo Midge. Landed a 8" RB closer to the riffles at the top of the run on the Rojo.

Moved downstream to the Bend Hole - hitting the pockets and riffles behind various rock formations along the way. Landed several small - 6" to 8" - RBs. Hitting the Miracle Midge.

At the Bend Hole - the Tricos started to come off at 10:30a. Switched my nymph rig to a #20 Red Pheasant Tail, #22 Black Flashback RS-2, #24 Black WD40. Landed a few on the WD40.

The fish started rising - so I tied on an Ant followed by #24 Black Trico to my Dry/Dropper rig. Landed a few on the Trico.

Then moved to the pocket water and run just downstream from the Tree Hole. Landed another one on the WD40. There were a bunch of risers - but they stopped hitting the Trico. So I changed my rig to a dry setup with a #22 Parachute Adams BWO followed by a #24 Matt's Midge. Caught several -most hitting the Midge but some on the Parachute Adams.

Moved upstream to the Tree Hole and landed a 12" RB on the WD40. There were a bunch of risers at the tail out and landed several - all hitting the Matt's Midge.

After lunch I started out with the nymph rig in the Hatchery Hole and the riffles just above. Hooked up a nice RB - but it broke off.

The fish stopped rising just about as the sun was setting. Good time to call it a day!

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