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Fishing the Murky Water

July 7, 2021 – Deckers (The Bend Hole, Between the Upper Island and the Mini Canyon, and Lower Horseshoe Bend)

Flows: 139 cfs at 11a. Then rising to 160 cfs from 11a to 1p.

Water Temp: 52F at 8:30a.

Water clarity: Murky till 2p – then slightly clearing after.

Air Temp: ~58F @ 8:30a, 85 @ 3:30p.

Hatches: Sporadic Midge: 9a – 10a. Light PMD: 1:00p – 3:30p, Stray caddis here and there throughout the day.

Flies: #10 Pat’s Rubber Leg, #20 Red San Juan Worm, #16 UV Scud, #16 Hare’s Ear, #18 BH Pheasant Tail, #20 Chocolate Thunder, #22 Top Secret Midge.

Top producers: San Juan Worm, Pat’s Rubber Leg, UV Scud, Chocolate Thunder, Top Secret Midge.

There was a little fog in the canyon when we arrived.

We’ve had a lot of rain lately in the south metro and the southern part of the state in general. Heavy rain. It’s been filling up the reservoirs, and the rivers and streams have been running higher and getting muddy. With the reservoirs now full – or near full – the water department has been increasing the outflows adding to the higher and muddier water in the downstream rivers.

These conditions complicate picking a spot to fish. Preferably, you want to go to a place that has had stable flows – and hope that they won’t change in the middle of the day. It’s really a guessing game – looking at the reservoir charts and the release levels – trying to guess which river will have the most favorable fishing conditions.

This week we guessed Deckers.

I began the day fishing the riffles on the lower left. The Upper Island is in the middle-right.

I was hopeful – but not optimistic. When they increase the flows in the middle of the day it really screws up the fish and fishing slows or comes to a halt altogether. And it looked like they may increase the flows out of Cheesman – but you never know. The flows in the other places along the South Platte watershed were in flux – so we took our chances and headed to Deckers.

When we arrived the river was flowing at a pretty good pace and was a murky brown. No sight fishing today. The other thing we noticed was that the river was pretty open from the resort all the way to the Cable Hole. We were thinking of starting at the Horseshoe Bend and it was open when we got there to scope it. But we decided to continue to drive further just to see what the rest of the river looked like.

This fish was seeking shelter below the Upper Island. The water was murky even in the protected water below the island.

We were surprised to find most of the runs open from the Cable Hole down to the Mini-canyon. The only spots taken were the end of the Mini-canyon and Mark’s Run. So we parked and geared up. Our plan was to begin fishing between the islands then move down to the Horseshoe Bend.

Brian was first out and fished the run just upstream from the lower island. I was thinking that if any spot was going to hold fish in this type of water – that was it. But it didn’t.

I was upstream from Brian fishing below the Upper Island. I picked a spot where the riffles gave way to some pocket water. The riffles were about 1’ to 1 ½’ in depth and on my second cast I had a fish on! It was a rainbow – about 13” – and took the Rubber Leg. Encouraged, I continued to cover the area all the way up to the far side of the upper island – then back down.

1st one of the day for me.

I got my second one pretty near where I got the first one. In the riffles. This one was also a smallish rainbow about 12”. He took the red San Juan Worm. In the last 24 hours the flows had been kicked up about 40 cfs – so I was thinking of bugs that would be knocked loose. Like the Rubber Legs and the San Juan Worm. I also had a UV Scud tied on. Another insect that could be dislodged with the increase in flows. So far so good.

By this time Brian had moved into the mouth of the Mini-Canyon. After a bit, I got my stuff and headed down to meet him – but stopped at the Lower Island Run to see if I could get a fish out of it. Surprisingly, there were no takers. So I crossed the river and walked down to meet Brian.

My second fish of the day. Caught in the riffles below the Upper Island.

There’s a short run on the south side of the river that typically holds some fish and after setting my stuff down – I waded across the river to give it a try. After a few casts I had on a nice brownie. But poor net technique caused me lose him. Being careless costs you when your trying to catch fish – especially when trying to land them!

A short time later I had on a really nice rainbow. I was determined not to lose this one ---- but he was able to get off too. My suspicion is a bad set let to that. Ugh! But I kept hooking up fish ---- and started landing them. In fact, no more got off!! Except for the 1st one, they were all hitting the red San Juan Worm. I had several rainbows in the 16” range and one 18 inches, one 15” brownie, and few more smaller rainbows. At one point I was hooking them on every second cast. What fun.

This 18" rainbow took the red San Juan worm.

While this was going on, Brian had moved up to the north side of the Lower Island Run. I asked if he wanted to give my spot a try. He said he just released a fish (got him on a Top Secret Midge) and wanted to see if he could get a few more. So I continued to fish my spot. After a bit, Brian came over to join me. There is only room for one guy in this run – so I gave way to Brain and moved a bit upstream to an even smaller run.

I’ve caught a few in the smaller run before – but there was no one home today. So I moved down into the Mini-Canyon. I covered the whole thing – and the Eddie Pool below it. Nothing along the whole way. Meanwhile, Brian was able to land a nice 17” rainbow in the run I had fished earlier. This one hit the Top Secret Midge too.

Brian got this colorful brownie in the Lower Island Run on a Top Secret Midge.

Brian Kenney.

We had an early start. It was now a little before 11a and I was hungry. So I ate half my lunch sitting on the bank at the mouth of the Mini-Canyon watching Brian as he continued to fish the run on the other side of the river. A couple of guys came over and thought I was fishing that spot. I told them it was open if they wanted to fish it - I was taking a break – relaxing and eating an early lunch.

We learned that the two guys were father and son – and they took me up on my offer. Brian came over and we took a full lunch break – me eating the rest of mine – stream-side while we watched the duo fish at the top of the Mini-Canyon.

Releasing a nice rainbow in the run at the mouth of the Mini-Canyon.

Our plan was to head down to Horseshoe Bend after lunch. On the way out of the river, I wanted to give the run on the other side of the river one last shot before we left. While I fished it, Brian fished the smaller run just upstream from me. After a couple of drifts I had a small rainbow – about 10” – hit my Pat’s Rubber Leg. After releasing him we changed places. We gave it another 15 minutes and had no takers.

With no further action and our time up – we headed to the car. As we walked along the river toward it – Brian mentioned that we haven’t fished the Cable Hole in a long time. So we walked up the road to see how it looked. It was open – so we decided to give it a shot.

Got this 15" brownie on the red San Juan worm. (Notice he's missing an eye.)

Brian was on the north side of the hole – the road side – and I was on the south side. Neither of us had any action after giving it considerable effort. So we began to work our way downstream – planning to exit the river and walk back to the car.

We still couldn’t sight fish because of the murky water. But I’ve fished the Cable Hole and the run below it many times and was casting my flies to known areas where the trout like to hang out in the run. As I was moving downstream I had a hit and proceeded to reel in a nice 16” rainbow. Before fishing the Cable Hole I had changed my flies to imitate beatis. They come out in the late-morning, early-afternoon. I tied on a Hare’s Ear followed by a BH Pheasant Tail and a Chocolate Thunder. He took the Chocolate Thunder.

Brian got this 17" rainbow on the red San Juan worm. It was the hot fly of the day!

Brian Kenney.

After releasing him, I waded back across the river and we headed to the car for the short drive downriver to the Horseshoe Bend run. After parking – we waded across the river to the top of the run. We didn’t realize it at the time, but the water department began to release more water – kicking it by about 20 cfs - at 11a. Not a huge increase but in retrospect – I think it was enough to cool off the river considerably.

Despite the now slightly higher flows, Brian landed a 17” rainbow within 10 minutes. My thought at the time was that we were going to be getting into some fish. But it wasn’t to be. We covered the top of the run – nearly to the bend – and all the way down to where the river meets the road – and neither of us had any more action.

Got this 16" rainbow in the run below the Cable Hole on a Chocolate Thunder.

Brian was first to wade out and he headed to the run near the parking area. I soon followed and walked down to the Bend Hole. Brian had a commitment later in the day and we had to leave a bit early. I found the Bend Hole open and with about 20 minutes of fishing time left, I decided to give it a try.

I was fishing the middle-to-bottom section of the hole. After going through it several times – I had a fish on. The afternoon was so slow – I almost forgot what it felt like to have a fish on. It felt like I was snagged up at first and I didn’t get a good hook set. But I was able to fight him for a bit. Then I may have gotten a little too aggressive and he was able to spit the fly. Dang it!

Looking downstream from the middle of the Horseshoe Bend Run. Brian is barely visible on the right below the steep rock wall.

Losing a fish is not the best way to end the day – but that’s how it ended for me. All on all it was another great day though. We had the place almost to ourselves and had quite a few fish in the net - nice sized ones too.

Murky water and all.

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