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Getting "Skunked" in Deckers

Updated: Jan 9, 2020

December 27, 2019

Deckers – Cable Hole to the #2 Island Hole

Flows: 143 cfs

Water Temp: 30 @ 9:30a

Water Clarity: Plus 3’

Hatches: Very limited BWO at 1p

The hex of the fisherman

Arrived at the Deckers Resort at 9:15a to a very chilly 10 degrees. I took a tour of the river near the Resort to see if I could see any fish and to measure the water temp. It was too cold for me to rig up. Also paid a visit to the Flies & Lies fly shop to get a couple of flies.

My plan was to fish the run right next to the Resort just above and below the bridge. While sitting in my car waiting for the temp to rise, I decided to take a run up the river towards the Cable Hole to see how it looked along the river. I was pretty surprised to see so many fishermen already in the water – with 10 degree temps. Amazing! Also just about every hole had someone already in it - this is Deckers we're talking about right!

I ended up at the parking lot in front of Mark’s Run – where there were 2 fishermen – one at the top and one below. The Cable Hole was open though – and that’s where I was headed. While rigging up with nymphs - another fisherman walked past me and headed directly to where else – the Cable Hole.

So I decided to try the #1 Island Run and then move down to between the Islands and eventually to the #2 Island Hole. Even though the river was running very clear – with the low light and partly cloudy skies – it looked inky. And I couldn’t spot any trout until I was almost on them. I spooked a couple like that in the #1 Island Run. I was a bit too lazy – as I really should have rigged up my Dry/Dropper Rig and fished it in the run – but I didn’t – instead I stayed with my nymph rig and had no hits.

I moved down stream to the deeper pockets between the Islands and ended up at the tail out just up stream from the fast water leading into the #2 Island Hole. On one of my casts – I let the line swing out at the end of the drift – and got a take from a nice Rainbow. I had him on – but didn’t really get a good set – and he was able to get off after a jump from the water. My rig was set up with a #20 Desert Storm, followed by a #22 Olive Pupa, with a #24 Disco Midge at the end. Not sure what he hit.

Moving back up stream, I worked my way back down hitting the various pockets with no luck. I ended up back down at the tail out - and with the same set up and cast technique, I hooked up another large Rainbow. I did get a good hook set this time, but messed up with my drag – and he took me over the spillway in the fast water leading into the #2 Island Hole. Needless to say my line got tangled around a large boulder and I had to break the line to free it.

After lunch I moved into the #2 Island Hole and changed my rig to baetis/midge nymphs. Rig setup was a #20 Prince Nymph, followed by a #24 Chocolate Thunder, with a #22 Purple JuJu Baetis. I didn’t see anything in the hole and worked all the channels with no luck. I moved back up into the tail out area I was in before – and on the 1st cast I hooked up a smaller fish. I was not aggressive on my retrieval and he got off.

I then moved up into the Cable Hole and the run leading into it. I didn’t see any fish and got no hits. On the way out – at about 3:30p – a saw a couple of fish. As the sun started to set in the canyon – you could actually see into the water better. The fish that I saw were not accommodating – so I ended up the day getting skunked!!

What a humbling feeling – but I’ll get them next time!

Map showing from Mark's Run to the #2 Island Hole. The Cable Hole is up stream from Mark's Run.

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