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Map of the Arkansas Tailwater

January 9, 2022

A nice rainbow caught in the Bridge Hole,

The Tailwater of the Arkansas River is known to be one of the best – if not the best – winter trout fishing water along the Front Range of Colorado. Even with its notoriety I haven’t found a detailed map of this section of the river.

Wilderness Adventure Press , Inc has published a brochure that has a map of the river and surrounding area, hatch chart, and other information. Even though the river map only makes mentions a few holes I’ve found the brochure useful. Especially when my fishing partner – Brian – and I first began to fish this water.

The Tailwater covers about 5 river miles from its beginning below the Pueblo Reservoir Dam to Pueblo Boulevard. Below Pueblo Boulevard is fishable – and I’m sure people do – but the 5 miles below the dam is the part of the river that attracts most of the fly fishermen. In many conversations with other fishermen the Flag and Hatchery Holes are the only ones that are known – and referred to as such – by all. The rest of the holes, pools, and runs along this 5-mile section have remained nameless.

Brian and I have fished the Tailwater almost exclusively each week over the past three winters. The winter season for us begins sometime in October and ends sometime April, the timing of which is weather dependent. That’s about 6 months out of the year. The only part of the Tailwater that we haven’t fished is the Flats. It looks too slow but I have heard that it fishes good and we plan to try it soon.

We break up the Tailwater into three parts: The Lower, which is from the Flats to the Tire Hole. The Middle: from the Tire Hole to just upstream of the Bridge Hole. And the Upper, from the Doubletree Hole to the Observation Hole.

You’ve got to have some reference in order to just talk about your fishing experience. Unable to find a detailed map which shows the various points – I’ve taken it upon myself to name 23 different fishing spots. These are the ones we mostly fish.

The Tailwater map.

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