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Pueblo Tailwater - Nature Center Parking

December 4, 2019

Flow: 106 cfs

Water Temp: 40 at 9:30a

Water Clarity: Generally about 2'. Gin clear in the slower water.

Hatches: Tricos & BWOs from ~9:30a - then throughout the day.

Started out at the Gate Hole - moving upstream to the Tree Hole and Triangle Rocks Hole. Caught several small - ~6" - RBs on the way. They were hitting a #22 Red Rojo Midge.

On the way out - I saw some risers in the Triangle Rocks Hole and decided to try some dries. Had on a #24 Parachute Adams BWO followed by a #24 Sparkle Dun BWO. Did not get any looks or hits.

After lunch I started out at the Nature Center West Hole and moved down stream to the Tree Hole, the Plunge Hole, and the Diver Hole. Landed a 14" RB in the Plunge Hole on a #22 Stalcup Baetis.

Landed a 16" RB at the tailout of the Diver Hole. Also had a hog on in the same hole - but he broke off. A bit later I had a nice RB - in the 20" range - hooked up run just upstream from the Diver Hole. He was along the south bank and hit the Stalcup. Had him on for quite a while - but he somehow got off.

I learned a valuable lesson regarding where and how long I leave my secondary rig. In this case, I left my Dry/Dropper rig along the bank next to the Nature Center West Hole as I worked my way to the Diver Hole. This is ~ 1/4 mile from the Nature Center West Hole and I didn't go to retrieve it for about 1 1/2 hours. By the time I went to get it - it was gone! After screaming obscenities - I headed to a couple who I saw coming out of same place earlier. Sure enough - they had my set up, explaining that they took it so no one would steal it (WHAT?). At least the owned up to taking it and I was able to get it back. Got to keep better tabs on my stuff....

A stark - dreary looking picture at 9a. The sun broke through later in the morning and it turned out to be a pretty good day.

14" Rainbow - took a #24 Sparkle Dun BWO

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